Bari on the Bowery: Pie Guys

I have to admit that I'm very partial to the look of hand lettering, even though I don't use it that much in my own graphic design work. I guess because I know what looks good I tend to be a harsh critic of my own work. Of course part of the charm of hand lettering is that it is imperfect. This was a lesson that Ellen Shapiro taught me back in the day.
Here's another tourist shot of the Empire State Building:
Uniqlo is a new fashion store from Tokyo that's just opening up in Soho. As I was was walking to work I spotted this very interesting promotion that they're doing on Houston and Crosby Street, they havea mini-version of the store in an industrial shipping container. It looked very cool and got my attention:
This was a very utilitarian sign outside a restaurant supply store. I like the rather stark nature of the graphic combined with the power of primary colors.
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