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Mizo Sushi and Japanese Cuisine, 192 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211

I've always walked by Mizo on Bedford Avenue, but never quite gave it a try — so recently after seeing Planet Thailand become totally packed I knew it was time to try something new. The first thing that will hit you is that the place looks great, which really ads to your dining experience if you're hanging out with friends. When I went there they had the front windows open to the street which gave the place a nice hang out feeling:

Mizo Sushi and Japanese Cuisine, 192 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211

Also I didn't realize it at the time but there's also a backyard: So the atmosphere was A+ in my book. The variety on the menu is pretty good as well, this isn't Nobu of course but that said there's something for everyone — and the pricing was very reasonable too. The service took a bit of time to get to me after I was seated, but after that one gap they were excellent (so I'd give them high marks there).

Mizo Sushi and Japanese Cuisine: Miso Eggplant

I tried the miso eggplant as an appetizer, and that was my only real low point of my visit. The first thing I did was to burn my mouth, they served it way too hot. Also armed with just chopsticks there wasn't an easy way to eat this dish. Once it did cool down and I ordered a knife to cut it up it was great. However a few hours later my burnt mouth was still recovering.

Mizo Sushi and Japanese Cuisine: Veggie Sushi Plate

My problem with most sushi spots is that they tend to have a limited menu of veggie sushi, but that wasn't an issue with Mizo. They had a pretty nice range of items, and everything on my plate tasted great. I really liked their AAC roll (asparagus, avocado, cucumber) which speaks volumes because I'm hardly an asparagus — yet here they had it just right.

In short I'd go back again, but I'd think twice about eating right away if any hot dish showed up.

Mizo Japanese Cuisine
192 Bedford Avenue
Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211
(718) 782-6666/6665


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 24, 2009 10:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Spoonbill & Sugartown is Kid Friendly.

The next post in this blog is Sunset on Marcy.

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