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Maritza Davila: She's the Choice of the Machine (Which is Why You Shouldn't Vote for Her)


The first time I ever heard of Maritza Davila running for city council was when I got the above letter from New York State assemblyman Vito J. Lopez. This was a somewhat unusual roll out for a candidate which quickly left a bad taste in mouth. So of course I did some research to get the inside scoop: Lopez was backing Davila (who was part of his staff) for the seat because he had some kind of falling out with current councilwoman Diana Reyna (who also use to work on his staff).

So in other words: The only reason you should vote for Maritza Davila is to replace twiddle dumb with twiddle dee. Frankly this leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, it's as if assemblyman Vito J. Lopez feels like he owns the seat which is wrong. No don't get me wrong I haven't found anything that's really horrible about Maritza Davila, but the entire idea of political music chairs strikes me as being corrupt.

While I'm certainly not a fan of Diana Reyna (because she voted down term limits) I don't see a strong case for supporting Maritza Davila. Now this isn't to say that Maritza Davila isn't a good person, in fact it looks like she has been doing good things in the community, but what worries me is that if she wins the office that it's just adding to the Vito J. Lopez machine which isn't a good thing.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 4, 2009 9:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Gerry Esposito: An Endorsement for City Council.

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