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Underground at L Line

Waiting for the Lorimer L Train

Since about 2005 I've been a J train man, so it's always interesting for me to go back to the L line which I tend to hit every now and then on weekends. The first thing that always surprises me is how often the line seems to be running in two sections or have some other type of issue. It's also always mazing to me how much more high end the commuters looks on the line, it's always much more of a hipster fashion show event. Although the one thing that stands out about the L line is that because you're underground you still feel more connected to Manhattan in some odd way — while the elevated track of the J line reminds you that you're very much on a different island.

(L) The Next Stop Is...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 16, 2009 2:42 AM.

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