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March 2008 Archives

March 2, 2008

Taco Bite: Best Mex This Side of the BQE


Up until now for Mexican in Williamsburg I've always had to walk west over the BQE to get good Mexican (places like Zocalo, Buffalo Cantina and Taco Chulo) so I was very happy to discover Taco Bite which just opened on Rodney by South 4th just a block from my apartment on Keap Street.

The first thing that hits you is that the food is authentic and tastes great. My "regular" on the menu is their vegetarian burrito which always includes fresh veggies in addition to the usual rice and beans and always includes some chips and a very sharp salsa. I haven't tried it yet but they also have fried ice cream on the menu which looks amazing. In addition to the usual Jarritos they also have margaritas and espresso too. The decoration and service is nice, so you wouldn't mind hanging out there with your friends for a relaxing afternoon.

I haven't checked it out yet but they also offer a breakfast menu which includes non-Mexican treats like waffles and pancakes (they open at 7am if you're an early bird). Most nights they're also open late until 10pm, and on Friday and the weekend they're open until 11pm — although on Mondays they're closed. If you like to order in they have free delivery for orders over $10 (and they accept credit cards):

Taco Bite Restaurant
310 South 4th Street (by Rodney)
Brooklyn, New York 11211
(718) 302-1117

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March 10, 2008

Diary of a Telephone Operator

Diary of a Telephone Operator was the Americanized title of the 1969 Italian film Certo, certissimo, anzi... probabile (translation: Certain, Very Certain, As a Matter of Fact...Probable.) directed by Marcello Fondato and starring Claudia Cardinale. Below is a film poster on the left and a photo of Claudia Cardinale on the right:


March 17, 2008

Construction on Keap and Ainslie

Construction on Keap and Ainslie: This is the space behind the gas station at the north edge of Keap Street by the second stop of the L train. There use to be an industrial one story building here with a parking lot

This is the space behind the gas station at the north edge of Keap Street by the second stop of the L train (to view the image at a larger size click here). There use to be an industrial one story building here with a parking lot — but now it's going upscale...

Collage created from two photos taken on March 15th, 2008.

March 24, 2008

Animal Crossing Diary

Shown above is a cool illustrational video from the Netherlands which has something to do with this website.

Found via Jemibook.

March 31, 2008

Traveling Amp

The J Line Subway: I always see this musician performing on the J train, I always give him something as I'm impressed that he goes through the trouble to bring his own mini-amp with him.

I always see this musician performing on the J train, I always give him something as I'm impressed that he goes through the trouble to bring his own mini-amp with him.

Photographed March 14th, 2008.

About March 2008

This page contains all entries posted to The Williamsburg Nerd in March 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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