The Hippie Revolt
There's something happening but you don't know what it is! A film for BOTH the straits and hippies...
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There's something happening but you don't know what it is! A film for BOTH the straits and hippies...
War is over, if you want it...
This Art of Noise music video is fun (mind you not as good as "Close to the Edge") but check out the VJ intro speech on working at the mall and dealing with yuppie businessmen of the era who may be security guards "“I don’t shoplift, I’m not a drug dealer and like I don’t have a gun”
Being a graphic designer AND a Quentin Tarantino fanboy I loved the above clip...
Forget Con Ed, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon — the one true monopoly in Williamsburg is the Kellogg's Diner. It's the only place for miles around that's open 24 hours a day seven days a week. Being a night owl the diner has always been a guilty pleasure of mine, it's never been about the food but being able to escape an apartment at 4:30 am. It's also a great place to people watch and it's the spot for hipsters to hang out after clubbing.
So I'm sitting there today and I notice that the entire deli wing of the establishment has been walled off — it seems the diner is planning some renovations to upgrade the place (including the quality of the food from what I understand). What scares me is that there is suppose to be a short period of time (I was told maybe February) when they'll close for a while and gut the interior. The only thing that makes me nervous about this is that sometimes an establishment can go under, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I also hope that when they come back they stay open 24/7. In the meantime if you want to see their vintage bicentennial decor while enjoying the most greasy onion rings in all of Brooklyn you better get over there.
Photo found via the chomper.
Shown left to right, and top to bottom (click on the image to see it at full size):
- A Christmas tree decorates the garbage bins in front of 331 Keap Street.
- A Santa decoration on the door of a Chinese take out establishment on Marcy and Broadway.
- The long lines at the Williamsburg Post Office.
- Hallway decorations at 331 Keap Street.
Photos taken on December 18th, 2007.
A classic moment from a 1985 promotional spot for music video channel U68.
This page contains all entries posted to The Williamsburg Nerd in December 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.
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January 2008 is the next archive.
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