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Waiting on the J Line

The shadow of a J train rider on the platform of the Marcy Street subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Photographed by Michael Pinto on May 21st, 2007.

Seen above is the shadow of a J train rider on the platform of the Marcy Street subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

June has been a cruel month for those of us who ride the J line, and now that I think about it May wasn't so great either. There's been quite a bit of work on the line which should have been finished some time ago. In fact the one thing I hate the most is seeing a notice that things will be off for the next two weeks, and then two weeks later see yet another sign or brochure with the same info.

The problem I've been hitting is that the trains only run every 25 minutes beween 10am and around 3pm. When this first started they printed out a schedule, but sadly after about amonth I've lost it. I've tried to solve my problem by going to the L line which runs quite well and has those nifty signs telling you when the next train is due. The problem is that this adds about 15 to 20 minutes to my trip into Manhattan, so either way I'm screwed...

To see the photo at full size just click on it. Photographed on May 21st, 2007.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2007 11:18 AM.

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