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May 2007 Archives

May 1, 2007

Too Art for TV, Too


I went to this event last year and it was quite the enjoyable scene:

Too Art for TV, Too
Second Annual Exhibition for New York's Animation Industry

Stay Gold Gallery
Friday, May 4th - May 25th 2007
Opening Reception: Friday, May 4th, 7pm-10pm

Special DJ guest: Mikael "DJ Ronny Monstrous" Jorgensen

"Stay Gold Gallery is pleased to present Too Art for TV, Too, the Second Annual Exhibition for New York's Animation Industry. 35 artists, by way of toys, comics, prints, and paintings, liberate the skills otherwise "owned" by their television networks bosses.

In January of 2006, Too Art for TV opened as the first of this annual event. Drawing in an excited, elbow-to- elbow crowd of artists, illustrators, filmmakers, animators, and gallery goers, Too Art for TV unquestionably demonstrated the wide spread appeal of animation inspired art.

Animation artists are experts in monsters, robots, villains, and the changing genres of pop influence. They are the lusty consumers of graphic novels, toys, video games, art books, and the many incarnations of obsessive geek culture. Their careers make them excellent drafts-people, skilled at drawing and well adapted to the latest design technologies. Loaded with influences and abilities, their works when combined create an umbrella movement for pop surrealism, geek-core, graffiti, low-brow and the finer arts.

Continue reading "Too Art for TV, Too" »

May 22, 2007

Stay Gold Yard Sale

Stay Gold Yard Sale

Stay Gold gallery has always had a place in my heart because it's the closest gallery to my apartment which is on the wrong side of the BQE. I'll be sad to see Stay Gold move:

Moving & Sidewalk Sale!

"Stay Gold Gallery would like to to announce that after 4 1/2 years we will be moving from our space at 451 Grand Street. We are currently negotiating a new space and fully plan on continuing our mission to nurture up-and-coming ART and MUSIC ! We will be taking a small break to build and will re-surface in the fall. We will also be accepting submissions for outdoor sculpture. Please send email submissions ONLY to the address below.

Our current show, "Too Art for TV, Too," (May 4th, 2007- May 25th, 2007) will be the last at the current space, and we will be moving out May 31st. This weekend, May 26th and 27th, be sure to stop by our sidewalk sale. MUSIC, FOOD & DRINKS! 12-5pm both days. We would like to thank everyone who has come to our openings, and especially those who have bought artwork. Please continue to check our website and read our updates. We will let you know when we have news. See you at the opening of our new space!"

About May 2007

This page contains all entries posted to The Williamsburg Nerd in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2007 is the previous archive.

June 2007 is the next archive.

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