My old friend Cindy Yoon and her sister have just opened up a very cool website which features customizable hip looking wall art for kids. They have an amazing range of cute character designs (YoonKids) which feature a wide range of themes from a singer in a gurl band to a Tae Kwon Do champ. Once you select your character you can change the hair and skin tone to personalize the artwork. Then just press a button and wallah!, custom decor for your child's bedroom arrives in a few weeks.
The site also features 'Yoonies' which are a line of cute animal themed characters, and some very nice looking silhouette designs that have a nice sense of style. Boys need not despair as an additional line of character is currently being designed. The prices for the custom decor are very affordable, and best of all a portion of YoonKids’ profits will be donated to the
nation’s largest children’s literacy organization — Reading Is Fundamental (RIF).
The website is at