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I Will Not Stoop to Poop Stories...

In the 60s Pop Art was all the rage, now in Williamsburg we have the "Poop Art" movement:

Suri Cruise’s Baby Poop Bronzed for Charity

"Bronzed baby shoes are out, and bronzed baby poop is in, for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes as they celebrate baby’s “first poop”. The commemoration of baby Suri Cruise’s first poop strives to be the evidence of her existence for a public yet to see photos of the superstar couple’s four month old infant. Suri Cruise’s commissioned bronzed baby poop goes on display August 30th at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg gallery district and will be offered on eBay with the proceeds to benefit the March Of Dimes."

Show Dates - August 30 -September 9
Reception with the artist: Friday, September 8th 6-9pm
Capla Kesting Fine Art is located at:
121 Roebling St, 7-8 - Brooklyn, NY 11211
phone: 917-650-3760
Bedford Ave L Train at the corner of North 5th and Roebling.
Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday from 1:00 to 6:00 pm or by appointment.

...I just checked their eBay auction, there are already two bids and the starting price is $10.


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