The Animation Block Party, devoted to showcasing the work of independent professionals and students from around the world has set its schedule for the 2006 Summerfest. Taking place in New York City July 22-24, the event will feature everything from "giveaways" to "discussions with industry survivors." Ticket information and the excellent shorts lineup for the festival will be announced on the Animation Block website on July 3rd, 2006. Read on for the entire three day agenda.
Opening night, July 22nd, at Rooftop Films will feature a special performance by Vic Thrill and the Saturn Missle. Doors open at Automotive High School at 50 Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn with cool giveaways from ABP sponsors, great food and animation booths. This is followed by two hours of animation exclusives including New York and world premieres from artists of all nationalities.
The second night, July 23rd at Galapagos Art Space begins with an Animation Survivors Panel. Four animation originals talk about the genesis of the New York City animation experience. This will be a one of a kind discussion with industry survivors Howard Beckerman, Irra Verbitsky, Doug Crane, and Don Duga about their careers, personal work, and what inspires them today. These four artists were sewn into the fabric of Manhattan's animation universe as they began their careers in the era of Rankin and Bass, Terrytoons, and UPA continued through the classic MTV and Nickelodeon age, and are still thriving in the new millennium of internet video and Flash. This panel is followed by 80 minutes of diverse genre shorts ranging from experimental to student work and is capped off by Rock Star Karaoke with a live band, featuring Sid and Buddy Karaoke.
July 24th, the final night, is at Bam Cinematek and will feature the best narrative shorts of the festival as well as a handful of other ABP originals.