This Friday Barcade we will be tapping some brews from the Southampton Publick House. On tap will be May Bock, Abbey Double, Belgian Golden, Foreign Extra Stout, Secret Ale and Old Herb Barleywine.
Barcade is located at 388 Union Ave. in Brooklyn.
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This Friday Barcade we will be tapping some brews from the Southampton Publick House. On tap will be May Bock, Abbey Double, Belgian Golden, Foreign Extra Stout, Secret Ale and Old Herb Barleywine.
Barcade is located at 388 Union Ave. in Brooklyn.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2006 5:18 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Planet Thailand opens up in Manhattan.
The next post in this blog is The Great Brooklyn Hipster Civil War of 2006.
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