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Roebling Street Art

Roebling Street Art, Williamsburg Brooklyn On Sunday I was wandering around and I took the above photo of some street art which I spotted on Roebling Street and Metroplitan. It's funny how wandering around Williamsburg reminds me so much of what the east Village was in the 80s. It's very laid back on the whole, not posh and polished - although Bedford Avenue is heading in that sort of Soho direction. When I first moved out here I was spoiled by how close everything is in Manhattan, but now I sort of like how there are bits of cool things spread out here and there, it's like finding a mini-oasis of culture on every other street corner.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 28, 2006 3:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Nikki McClure at the Cinders Gallery.

The next post in this blog is Britney Birth Sculpture puts Williamsburg on the Map!.

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