This collage was created from two photos I took during sunset at the Rodney Playground South, near South 4th Street. In this section of Williamsburg the Brooklyn Queens Expressway makes a gashing cut through the neighborhood (the expressway is sunk into the ground like an exposed subway system). The property on both sides of the roadway at street level is made up of these very sad narrow parks, which aren't too popular as it's hard to relax or play when you hear the never ending sound of a highway in the background. If you wanted to punish a younger child, taking him or her to Rodney Playground South would do the trick. Credit for the
"park" goes to Robert Moses:
In 1952, as part of the construction of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, or BQE, the City of New York acquired this property and transferred jurisdiction to Parks. The BQE was built under the direction of Robert Moses (1888-1981) between 1946 and 1964. This massive, six-lane, 11.7 mile-long expressway cost $137 million in federal, state, and municipal funds to complete. Today, Rodney Playground South features timberform play equipment, a comfort station, picnic tables, swings, and benches. For local residents, it is a welcome place for rest and recreation.